OT20-1A Light Curing Tray
Traditional trays have relatively fixed specification and shape; while patients’ oral form and alveolar ridge conditions vary quite widely, the traditional trays can’t meet the individual dental arch and alveolar ridge conditions.
Second impression model made by individual tray can improve the accuracy of impression model. By this way, denture can meet the individual difference of patients and ensure the denture;s repairing effects.
HUGE Light Curing Individual Tray is easy to mold and to light cure. It’s suitable for:
- Individual Tray;
- Temporary Base-plate.
- HUGE light curing material is ready for use and easy to be handled. It can be used within sufficient time to mold. LC tray can be cured in all typical polymerization devices: UVA/VIS blended light/stroboscope (wavelength of 420-480 NM) or UV (wavelength of 350-400NM).
- No pungent odor
- Easy to form, adapt and trim
- Excellent dimensional stability
Package:50 pieces/box
Pink 2.3mm
Pink 2.0mm
Blue 2.3mm