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     - Syntac



    Syntac is the classic adhesive system for a chemically sound bond between the composite materials and the tooth structure.

    – Direct composite and compomer restorations in the anterior and posterior region
    – Adhesive cementation of indirect restorations made of composite or ceramic

    – For direct and indirect restorations
    – Clinically proven for many years
    – Reduction of post-operative sensitivity
    – Excellent instant bond between dentin/enamel and composite
    – High bond strength
    – Storage at room temperature

     - Heliobond



    Heliobond is a light-curing single-component bonding agent to optimize enamel etching with all light-curing restorative materials.

    – Adhesive for enamel bonding
    – Together with Syntac also dentin bonding agent
    – Cementation of tooth jewellery, e.g. Skyce
    – Transparent sealing of fissures and restorations
    – As a bonding layer for the reapair of composite, crown and bridge restorations

    – For optimum marginal seal between tooth and composite. Applied in conjunction with the enamel etch technique
    – Storage at room temperature

     - Tetric N-Bond
    Tetric N-Bond

    Tetric N-Bond


    Tetric N-Bond is a light-curing, nano-optimized single-component bonding agent for enamel and dentin bonding in combination with the total-etch technique.

    – Adhesive for direct, light-curing and dual-curing composite and compomer restorations
    – Adhesive for indirect all-ceramic and composite restorations (inlays, onlays, veneers)

    – Integrated nano-fillers for homogeneous layer formation and penetration into dentinal tubules, which leads to improved adhesion to the tooth structure and fewer postoperative sensitivities
    – Ethanol-based for easy application in one layer and improved stability because there is no premature evaporation as with acetone-based adhesives
    – For direct and indirect restorations
    – Consistently high bond strength for clinical success
    – Technique tolerant – Good wetting of dry & moist surfaces
    – Storage at room temperature
    – Now also available in the VivaPen

    Tetric N-Bond
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