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     - DSB05

    ProRoot MTA Root Repair Material, White, Refill


    The First Name in Root Repair.

    When it comes to root repair, trust the original MTA. ProRoot MTAis compositionally formulated to have the physical properties, setting requirements and characteristics necessary for a clinically effective root repair material. It creates an excellent seal that promotes a normal healing response within the root so you can have confidence that your procedure will succeed, and fewer retreatment procedures will be necessary. And its ease of manipulation allows you to tailor its consistency to suit your clinical needs. One use of ProRoot MTA and it’s clear why countless clinicians still trust the first name in root repair.

    Use ProRoot MTA for:

    • Apical plug during apexification
    • Repair of root perforations during root canal therapy
    • Treating internal root resorption
    • Root-end filling material
    • Pulp-capping material

    Now Cleared for Pediatric Pulpotomies

    In addition to the numerous ways ProRoot MTA has helped to repair roots for years, the material is now cleared by the FDA for use in pediatric pulpotomy cases.*  Because ProRoot MTA creates a biocompatible seal, it is ideal for replacing pulp in the chamber to prevent infection from reaching the roots.

    * Information on file.


    Use ProRoot MTA for:

    • Apical plug during apexification
    • Repair of root perforations during root canal therapy
    • Treating internal root resorption
    • Root-end filling material
    • Pulp-capping material

    ProRoot MTA White 1/2 Gram Refill includes 1 - .5-gram treatments of ProRoot MTA material and 1 ampoules of ProRoot MTA water.

    Now Cleared for Pediatric Pulpotomies

    In addition to the numerous ways ProRoot MTA has helped to repair roots for years, the material is now cleared by the FDA for use in pediatric pulpotomy cases.*  Because ProRoot MTA creates a biocompatible seal, it is ideal for replacing pulp in the chamber to prevent infection from reaching the roots.


     - A0182



    Finger Spreaders



    Tapered Finger Spreaders

    Length: 21, 25 mm

    Ref: A0182





     - EF16

    NiTi Spreaders


    Intended use: to be used for sideward or vertical filling and condensing of plugging compound into root canals

    ·     NiTi alloy material & Good feel handles
    ·     With position-setting stoppers, number printed on the handles show correct size
    ·     Round cross section
    ·     Available size: 15#, 20#, 25#, 30#, 35#, 40#, Length: 21mm, 25mm
    ·     Packing: 6pcs/box with single size or different sizes from 15-40#

    NiTi Spreaders

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