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     - IPS e.max CAD Crystallization Tray
    IPS e.max CAD Crystallization Tray

    IPS e.max CAD Crystallization Tray


    Silicon nitride firing tray for the crystallization of IPS e.max CAD restorations. The crystallization pins supplied are required for the crystallization of IPS e.max CAD LT restorations.

     - IPS e.max Press / IPS e.max CAD HT/LT Shade Guide
    IPS e.max Press / IPS e.max CAD HT/LT Shade Guide

    IPS e.max Press / IPS e.max CAD HT/LT Shade Guide


    The shade guides for press and CAD materials are supporting tools for determining the shade. To prevent cross-contamination in the oral cavity, the individual tabs and the entire shade guide are autoclavable. The shade tabs show the final shade, i.e. after pressing or crystalliza-tion. They thus help to check the shade, and they can also be used to check the quality of the crystallization process of IPS e.max CAD restorations.

     - IPS Ceramic Etching Gel
    IPS Ceramic Etching Gel

    IPS Ceramic Etching Gel


    The IPS Ceramic Etching Gel is used for the creation of retentive bonding surfaces on all-ceramic restorations to prepare for cementation. It enhances the bonding effect between the composite cement and the ceramic bonding surface.

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