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     - MultiCore®



    Self-curing composite core build-up material with light curing option. Two consistencies, two techniques, two curing methods and four shades provide an optimum foundation for the reconstruction of vital and non-vital teeth with part or most of the clinical crown missing.


    – Core build-up of vital and non-vital teeth


    – A suitable consistency for every technique:
    MultiCore HB for the moulding technique
    MultiCore Flow for the matrix technique
    – Based on Ivoclar Vivadent‘s long-term experience in the field of composite technology
    – A suitable option for every case: Self- or light-curing
    – Four different shades
    – Coordinated system with the self-etching AdheSE


    Light, medium, blue and white

     - Virtual®



    Virtual is the new line of vinylpolysiloxane impression materials specifically developed to meet the requirements of today‘s most popular impression taking techniques.

    The system features the five viscosities Putty, Heavy Body, Monophase, Light Body in both "fast" (2:30 min.) and "regular" (4:30 min.) setting times.


    The system is complemented by a full line of accessories, including a tray adhesive.


    – Final impressions used for the fabrication of indirect restorations (crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays and veneers)
    – Dental implant impressions
    – Matrix for "wax-ups" and treatment planning, study models
    – Edentulous impressions
    – Matrix used to create temporary restorations


    – Excellent adaptation to the moist oral hard and soft tissues
    – Excellent moisture displacement
    – Exceptional readability and precision
    – Flexible working times and fast setting phase
    – Fresh peppermint scent
    – Outstanding balance of physical properties


    Sea blue: Virtual Putty, Virtual Heavy Body and Virtual Monophase
    Caramel: Virtual Light Body

     - Virtual® CADbite Registration
    Virtual® CADbite Registration

    Virtual® CADbite Registration


    Virtual CADbite registration material is scannable and can be used for the optical recording of data when fabricating restorations with CAD/ CAM systems such as CEREC. Virtual CADbite is an addition silicone, which may also be used for „conventional“ bite registration techniques in conjunction with indirect restorative procedures.
    The material demonstrates a non-slump consistency, short setting time and good dimensional stability. Moreover, it provides excellent reproduction of detail and achieves a final hardness of 32 Shore D.


    As the material requires an intra-oral set time of only 45 seconds, the risk of distortions and inaccuracies due to patient jaw movements are substantially reduced. At the same time, Virtual CADbite provides sufficient working time to allow full-arch bite registrations to be taken.
    Due to the material’s high final hardness of 32 Shore-D and high fracture toughness, Virtual CADbite registrations are easy to trim and grind. Moreover, undesirable shifts are prevented when adjusting the position of the casts in the articulator.
    In response to the needs of CAD/CAM users across the globe, Virtual CADbite has been given a reflective surface. It delivers excellent results when capturing images with intra-oral scanning devices.

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