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     - C100740

    Zetaplus Soft


    C100740 Zetaplus Soft

    Zetaplus VL Intro Kit: Zetaplus Soft 900 ml + Oranwash VL 140 ml + Indurent Gel 60 ml + mixing block (20 sheets)

    C100740 Zetaplus Soft

     - OT9998B

    Kids Crown Leaflet New Box

    10 Crown /box


    OT9998B Kids Crown Leaflet New Box

    10 Crown /box

    There are 48 different sizes of the crown.

    The meaning of the D is 1st molar

    The meaning of the E is 2nd molar

    The meaning of the U and L are upper and lower

    L and R are left side and right side

    The number is size of the crown

    Kids Crown leaflet new box

    OT9998B Kids Crown leaflet new box

    OT9998B Kids Crown leaflet new box

     Another packaging:

    OT9998B Kids Crown leaflet new box

     - UKC

    Ultrapak Knitted Cord


    UKC Ultrapak Knitted Cord

    Size: #000 / #00 / #0 / #1 / #2 / #3
    Product Details
    Ultrapak cord is made of 100% cotton, knitted into thousands of tiny loops to form long, interlocking chains. This unique knitted design exerts a gentle, continuous outward force following placement, as the knitted loops seek to open. Optimal tissue displacement occurs in 3–8 minutes. Ultrapak E is impregnated with racemic epinephrine hydrochloride.​
    ·The original—and smallest—knitted cord
    ·Provides rapid tissue displacement, detailed margins, and quality impressions
    ·Facilitates easy packing and stays placed better than any twisted or braided cord
    ·Compresses upon packing then expands for optimal retraction
    ·Does not entangle in diamond bur
    ·Bright colors facilitate easy location and removal
    ·Available with or without epinephrine*​
    ·High carbon steel blade ensures a clean cut
    ·Thin plastic gate prevents cord from falling into the bottle upon cutting
    ·Ruler printed on label provides easy cord measurement​
    *Note: Do not use Ultrapak E or other epinephrine preparations with ferric sulfate solutions, including ViscoStat, Astringedent, and Astringedent X, as a blue/black precipitate will occur. Ultrapak with Epinephrine is not available in all countries
    Ultrapak Knitted Cord

    Ultrapak Knitted Cord

    Ultrapak Knitted Cord

    Ultrapak Knitted Cord

    Ultrapak Knitted Cord

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