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     - GCM23 GC Gradia Direct LoFlo
    GCM23 GC Gradia Direct LoFlo

    GC Gradia Direct LoFlo High-Viscosity Flowable Microfilled Hybrid Composite with HDR technology


    2x Syringe 0.8ml (1.3 g), 4x Dispensing Tip (needle type), 2x Light
    Protective Cover

    GC Gradia Direct LoFlo, the first flowable to be considered as a real restorative, not only for class V or as a liner, but also for class I, class II and class III restorations. Introducing the new HDR, High-Density Radiopaque, technology: GC presents a new flowable restorative with unsurpassed physical properties.

    • Wear resistance and fracture toughness at the level of modern posterior composites
    • Up to 55% less shrinkage than the leading flowable composites on the market
    • Wettability allows for perfect adaptability without slumping
    • The 7 available shades blend invisibly into the surrounding tooth structure
    • HDR Pre-polymerized Filler with Nano-silica filler technology significantly increases durability, polishability and radiopacity
    • Fluoro-alumino-silicate glass brings you protection against secondary decay in addition

    GC Gradia Direct LoFlo, Syringe, 2 x 0.8 ml (1.3 g) A2

    GCM23 GC Gradia Direct LoFlo A2

     - GCM25 GC Dentin Conditioner
    GCM25 GC Dentin Conditioner

    GC Dentin Conditioner Cavity Cleaning Agent


    25 g (23.8 ml) Liquid

    The 10% polyacrylic acid solution cleans tooth surfaces to improve adhesion of glass ionomer cements.

    • Improves the marginal seal
           Longevity of the restoration
    • Leaves smear plugs in the tubules
           Less risk of post operative sensitivity
    • Blue tinting
           Application control

      How to use
      Apply with a pellet for 20 sec, rinse with water, dry without desiccating and apply the glass ionomer.

    GC Dentin Conditioner, 25 g (23.8 ml) Liquid

     - GCM28 GC Pattern Resin LS
    GCM28 GC Pattern Resin LS

    GC Pattern Resin LS Low Shrinkage Modelling Resin


    100 g Powder, 105 ml Liquid, 2 Mixing Cups, 1 Brush N°4 & 1 pipette

    The proven modelling resin for making all kinds of custom attachments, fixations, implant abutments or resin dies for electroforming technique.

    • Minimal shrinkage
           Precise models and castings
    • High hardness and strength
           High stability also thin layers
    • Burns out without residue
           Clean casting surface
    • Easy to trim

    How to use
    GC Pattern Resin LS is specially developed for the brush technique.

    Intro Package
    GC Pattern Resin LS, 1-1 Pack

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