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     - Zirconia Block Multilayer
    Zirconia Block Multilayer



    APMS Zirconia Block Multilayer

    The production level integrating several patented technologies in one all the while meeting the full range of indication. It has larger systematic processing, a wider sintering temperature range, and a increased stable
    three-dimensional gradient effect.

    Incisal layer
    53% Translucency 700MPa

    Cervical layer
    43% Translucency 1050MPa

    2 hours
    On the basis of realizing rapid sintering, APMS is compatible with many kinds of zirconia materials (such as HTC,HTW) to achieve simultaneous sintering of multiple materials.

    ultra-wide sintering temperature range, giving a perfect bionic aesthetic effect at different temperatures.

    Aesthetic:Super high translucency
    Sintered density: ≥6.0g/cm³
    Bending strength:Cervical part 1050MPa
    Fracture toughness: 5M
    Hardness (Hv10):1250


    Mechanical property
    Veneer,Inlay,Anterior crown,Posterior crown,
    Full arch crown bridge,Full crown bridge,
    Full contour screw retained bridge,lmplant




     - S699

    Dental Plastic Precision Rod Attachments


    S699 Dental Plastic Precision Rod Attachments

    The male is made of burn out plastic and can be therefore cast in nearly every alloy. The female is made of a highly elastic and precise acrylic material. The female is exangeable.
    •paralleling mandrel is placed to the patrix rod
    •females are easy to replace
    •females are available with different interior diameters for individual friction
    •inexpensive attachment for partial denture
    •castable or solderable INOX sleeves guarantee exact positioning of the females
    69977  Male,blue
    86378  Female,yellow,rigid

    S699 Dental Plastic Precision Rod Attachments

    S699 Dental Plastic Precision Rod Attachments
    S699 Dental Plastic Precision Rod Attachments

    S699 Dental Plastic Precision Rod Attachments

    S699 Dental Plastic Precision Rod AttachmentsS699 Dental Plastic Precision Rod Attachments


     - Glass Ceramic Ingots
    Glass Ceramic Ingots



    AEC09 Glass Ceramic Ingots

    AEC,Glass Ceramic Ingots 09

    UP.CAD is excellent lithium disilicate glass-ceramic block which is stable and durable aesthetics with high precision in the outcomes.

    Up.Cad has enhanced translucency, durability, and strength for full anatomical restorations. Due to the use of new technologies and optimized processing parameters,

    Up.Cad has evolved beyond previously available lithium disilicate ceramics.

    Up.Cad is popular in chair-side system restorations for its outstanding aesthetics,

    Up.Cad can be utilized for high-efficiency aesthetic restorations such as :veneers,inlays,onlays,partial crowns,anterior crowns,posterior crowns ect.
    Size:C14 18*15*13

    Others Oxides:7.5%~25%
    Vickers Hardness:5400±400Mpa
    Chemical solubility after sintering:<100μg/cm²
    Press temperature:840℃-850℃
    Biaxial flexural strength after sintering:400±60 Mpa

    Model                                                 Color
      HT                           A1/A2/A3/A3.5/B1/B2/C1/BL1/BL2/BL3/BL4
      LT                            A1/A2/A3/A3.5/B1/B2/C1/BL1/BL2/BL3/BL4

    Dental Glass Ceramic Ingots

    Dental Glass Ceramic Ingots

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