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     - GCM13 Fuji II
    GCM13 Fuji II

    GC Fuji II Glass Ionomer Restorative Cement


    15 g Powder and 8.0 ml Liquid (10 g), Accessories


    GC Fuji II - Chemically cured glass ionomer restorative cement with optimal handling for class III and V restorations.


    • Resistant to moisture
           Long-term stability in the mouth
          Excellent marginal seal
    • Good radiopacity
          Facilitating post-operative diagnosis
    • Intrinsic adhesion to dentine and enamel
          No etching, no bonding
    • Hydrophilic
          No need for rubber dam

      How to use
      The use of a matrix during setting or the application of GC Fuji VARNISH or GC Fuji COAT LC immediately after setting will improve the durability of a GC Fuji II restoration

    Powder / Liquid
    Intro Pack
    GC Fuji II, 1-1 Pack, 15 g / 8 ml P/L N° 22 (A3) yellow brown
    GC Fuji II, 1-1 Pack, 15 g / 8 ml P/L N° 23 (C4) dark grey

    Fuji II

    Fuji II

     - GCM14 Fuji IX GP
    GCM14 Fuji IX GP

    GC Fuji IX GP Glass Ionomer Restorative


    15 g Powder, 6.4 ml (8g) Liquid


    The packable non-sticky consistency of Fuji IX GP makes it ideal to be used in Class V, I & II restorations, as base or as core build-up material. The genuine glass ionomer properties, in combination with the ease of use, ensure that Fuji IX GP can meet all your demands on modern restorative materials.


    • Packable posterior glass ionomer
           High wear resistance
    • No need for rubber dam
           Ease of use
    • Intrinsic adhesion to dentine and enamel
           No etching, no bonding
    • No need for undercutting
           Tooth-conserving preparation technique
    • Can be used with metal matrices
           Easy contouring in the cavity
    • Single step placement
           No need for layering technique
    • Good radiopacity
           Facilitating post-operative diagnosis
    • Excellent bio-compatibility

    How to use
    Along with the advantages for posterior restorations, GC Fuji IX GP is often chosen when the final treatment plan has not been finally decided. Many treatments are possible: a sandwich technique with a composite material, an inlay or simply the glass ionomer filling itself.

    Powder / Liquid
    Intro Pack
    GC Fuji IX, GP P/L Intro Package A3, 1-1 Pack
    15 g Powder, 6.4 ml (8g) Liquid 

    Glass Ionomer Cement
    Glass Ionomer Cement

     - GCM15 Fuji IX GP Capsule
    GCM15 Fuji IX GP Capsule

    GC Fuji IX GP Capsule Glass Ionomer Restorative


    Box with 50 Capsules, 0.40 g Powder and 0.11 g (0.09 ml) Liquid, Mixed Volume per Capsule 0.14 ml


    The packable non-sticky consistency of Fuji IX GP makes it ideal to be used in Class V, I & II restorations, as base or as core build-up material. The genuine glass ionomer properties, in combination with the ease of use, ensure that Fuji IX GP can meet all your demands on modern restorative materials.


    • Packable posterior glass ionomer
           High wear resistance
    • No need for rubber dam
           Ease of use
    • Intrinsic adhesion to dentine and enamel
           No etching, no bonding
    • No need for undercutting
           Tooth-conserving preparation technique
    • Can be used with metal matrices
           Easy contouring in the cavity
    • Single step placement
           No need for layering technique
    • Good radiopacity
           Facilitating post-operative diagnosis
    • Excellent bio-compatibility

    How to use
    Along with the advantages for posterior restorations, GC Fuji IX GP is often chosen when the final treatment plan has not been finally decided. Many treatments are possible: a sandwich technique with a composite material, an inlay or simply the glass ionomer filling itself.

    GC Fuji IX, GP 50 Capsules A2
    GC Fuji IX, GP 50 Capsules A3
    GC Fuji IX, GP 50 Capsules A3.5

     Fuji IX GP Capsule

    Fuji IX GP Capsule

    Fuji IX GP Capsule

    Fuji IX GP Capsule


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