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     - GCM16, GCM17 GC Fuji VII
    GCM16, GCM17 GC Fuji VII

    GC Fuji VII Radiopaque Glass Ionomer Protection Material


    15 g Powder, 8 ml (10 g) Liquid, 5.7 ml (6 g) Dentin Conditioner, Accessories



    • 6X higher fluoride release than any other glass ionomer
    • Flowable consistency to ensure effective wetting and intimate adhesion to tooth surfaces
    • Moisture tolerant - can be applied in situations where saliva control is not possible
    • Available in white shade and special pink shade
    • Surface and fissure protection
    • Root surface protection
    • Internal remineralization and caries stabilization
    • Lining under composite or amalgam
    • Intermediate restorations and intermediate endodontic sealing
    • Minimal restorations
    • Cementation of stainless steel crowns
    • Has the highest fluoride release of any glass ionomer or resin
    • Is six times more than any of the latest glass ionomers
    • Provides patients with up to 24 months of fluoride protection every application



    • Penetrates into pits and fissures; it can be brushed on with a micro-tip brush or blown in with air syringe
    • It stays exactly where it is placed without running


    Glass ionomer is moisture tolerant during application

    It is therefore well suited to use as a protection material where saliva control can be compromised – e.g. erupting molars.

    • The light pink color offers visual indication of placement, tooth growth and wear

    The pink material offers a “Command Set” to speed up cure time by light-curing with halogen/plasma curing light (this material does not photopolymerize; it speeds up curing time by absorbing heat from the light)

    • The white color is available for improved patient acceptance. 


    GC Fuji VII 1-1 #Pink (15g Powder, 10g Liquid, 6g DENTIN CONDITIONER)
    GC Fuji VII 1-1 #White (15g Powder, 10g Liquid, 6g DENTIN CONDITIONER)

     - GCM18 GC Fuji VII CAPSULE

    GC Fuji VII CAPSULE Radiopaque Glass Ionomer Protection Material


    Box with 50 Capsules with 0,30 g Powder and 0.15 g (0.12 ml) Liquid each, Mixed Volume per Capsule 0.13 ml



    • 6X Higher fluoride release than any other glass ionomer
    • Flowable consistency to ensure effective wetting and intimate adhesion to tooth surfaces
    • Moisture tolerant - can be applied in situations where saliva control is not possible
    • Available in white shade and special pink shade


    • Surface and fissure protection
    • Root surface protection
    • Internal remineralization and caries stabilization
    • Lining under composite or amalgam
    • Intermediate restorations and intermediate endodontic sealing
    • Minimal restorations
    • Cementation of stainless steel crowns
    • Has the highest fluoride release of any glass ionomer or resin
    • Is six times more than any of the latest glass ionomers
    • Provides patients with up to 24 months of fluoride protection every application 



    • Penetrates into pits and fissures; it can be brushed on with a micro-tip brush or blown in with air syringe
    • It stays exactly where it is placed without running


    Glass ionomer is moisture tolerant during application

    It is therefore well suited to use as a protection material where saliva control can be compromised – e.g. erupting molars.

    • The light pink color offers visual indication of placement, tooth growth and wear

    The pink material offers a “Command Set” to speed up cure time by light-curing with halogen/plasma curing light (this material does not photopolymerize; it speeds up curing time by absorbing heat from the light)

    • The white color is available for improved patient acceptance. 

    GC Fuji VII Capsule, Box of 50 #Pink; (0.10ml mixed volume/capsule)


     - GCM19 GC Fuji II LC (Improved)
    GCM19 GC Fuji II LC (Improved)

    GC Fuji II LC (Improved) Light Cured Glass Ionomer Cement


    15 g Powder: A2, (8g) 6.8 ml Liquid


    GC Fuji II LC Improved is the world-wide leading light-cured glassionomer cement. Although designed primarily as a restorative material for use in Class III, V and deciduous teeth, GC Fuji II LC Improved is a multipurpose material, with secondary indications such as liner, base and core build-up.


    • Smaller particles
           Excellent aesthetics and polishability
    • Higher filler loading
           Significantly improved abrasion resistance
    • Good radiopacity
           Facilitating post-operative diagnosis
    • Self-adhesive to tooth structure
           No etching, no bonding
    • Hydrophilic
    • Very good results in areas where rubber dam is difficult to use, cavity margins are in dentin and enamel prisms can not be properly etched
    • Smooth, porosity-free surface after sealing with GC Fuji Coat LC
           Practical application and manipulation
    • Available in 11 translucent Vita® shades
           Excellent aesthetics

    How to use
    Optimal adhesion to tooth structure is achieved when used in combination with GC Cavity Conditioner or GC Dentin Conditioner. During application the use of rubberdam is obsolete, isolation can be done with cotton rolls.

    Powder / Liquid
    Intro pack
    GC Fuji II, LC Imp. 1-1 Pack

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