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    AX-YD-F Flask for Denture Injection System


    AX-YD-F Flask for Denture Injection System
    The  flask was used with denture injection machine AX-YD, AX-YDA

    AX-YD-F Flask for Denture Injection System

    AX-YD-F Flask for Denture Injection System

    AX-YD-F Flask for Denture Injection System

    AX-YD-F Flask for Denture Injection System


     - AX-YD-1

    FlexSoft Partial Dentures Materials

    The alternative to conventional Partial Dentures ;
    Flexible . Soft. Easy-to-finish.Easy-to-polish

    9g×10 /18g×5

    AX-YD-1 FlexSoft Partial Dentures Materials
    Dark pink(A)/Standard Pink(B)/Light pink(C)/Crystal(D)
    FlexSoft Partial Dentures Materials

    FlexSoft Dental Resin Instructions for Use

    Suitable for: Partial and complete dentures, occlusal splints and nightguards.
    Not Suitable for: Small unilateral restorations.
    Warnings: Use eye protection and heat-resistant gloves when injecting.
    Use proper ventilation, vacuum system and masks when
    grinding prosthodontic resins.
    Precautions: Cartridge must be injected within 1 hour of opening the
    foil pouch.
    All undercuts that will affect the path of insertion should be blocked-out with wax prior
    to duplication. Do not relieve necklines of teeth or areas desirable for retention. For
    free-end saddles, it is not necessary to remove the distal undercut of the last natural
    tooth, unless the area is too deep. For free-end saddle cases where anterior teeth are
    also being replaced, undercuts in the anterior should also be blocked out.
    II. SET-UP
    Duplicate blocked-out master model. Articulate the duplicate model and the master
    model (you will need the master model articulated at finishing steps to check
    occlusion). Set up the case on the duplicate model using only wax (no base plate).
    Allow 1 mm of thickness under the teeth to flow to the labial
    side and into the retention diatorics in the teeth. Use a small round carbide bur to
    create mechanical retention in the teeth, from mesial to distal and connected to the
    center diatoric hole.
    Important: Wax the case with anatomical features to reduce grinding during the
    finishing stage.
    Recommended thickness of wax-up:
    1. Palatal thickness 1.2 - 1.5 mm
    2. Buccal & Labial Flange 1.2 - 2.0 mm
    3. Clasps 1.0 - 1.5 mm
    4. Lingual Flange 1.2 - 2.0 mm
    5. Lingual Major Connector (Mandibular) 1.7 - 2.0 mm
    Invest the case in the center of the flask, aiming the posterior portion toward the sprue
    opening. After the stone (or plaster) has set, use two sprues from the flask opening
    to the most posterior portion of the wax on both sides (see diagram). Sprues should
    be approximately 7 mm. width. Do not create sharp angles with the sprues, as the
    heated resin must flow in a straight or slightly curved path. Apply a thin layer of
    petroleum jelly on the entire stone surface. Then invest top half of flask.
    After the stone has set, place flask in boiling water for 8 minutes. Open the flask and
    wash out the wax, making sure all wax residues are eliminated. Allow the flask to cool.
    Apply thin layers of separator on the entire surface of the stone and allow it to dry
    completely. Do not apply separator on teeth. When dry, close flask.

    Wear safety goggles and heat-protective gloves for this procedure.
    Spray inside of the cartridge sleeve with mold release spray and place it into furnace.
    Turn on the furnace and allow it to reach approximately 550°F (290°C), preheating
    cartridge sleeve for approximately 15 minutes.
    Remove cartridge from foil-lined bag (do not remove cartridge from bag
    until this step). Spray the cartridge and bronze disk with mold release
    spray. Insert the cartridge into the cartridge sleeve with the cap end
    first. Insert the bronze disc into the cartridge sleeve against the end of the cartridge.
    Use the thick bronze disc for medium tubes and the thin bronze disc
    for the large tubes. Heat cartridge for 12 minutes.
    Position the flask with the sprue end up, directly under the shaft of the press. After 12
    minutes, remove the cartridge sleeve from the furnace. Keep the cartridge sleeve in a
    horizontal position until resting on top of the flask, and then turn the cartridge sleeve
    into a vertical position. Immediately use the press to inject the heated cartridge into
    the flask using a steady fast motion. Continue applying pressure until tube bursts and
    continue with maximum downward pressure for 3 minutes.
    Remove the cartridge sleeve from the flask with a slight twisting motion. After
    removing the cartridge sleeve, let the flask cool for at least 30 minutes. Do not put
    flask into a cold water bath. Use a plaster nipper to de-flask. Do not use a hammer.
    Remove the compressed cartridge from the cartridge sleeve with a knock-out punch.
    Important: Cartridge sleeve must be pre-heated for 10 minutes BEFORE the
    next injection.
    Remove appliance from the model. Cut off the sprues with a cut-off wheel. Trim the
    edges of appliance with a coarse grinding wheel. Avoid overheating. Use rubber
    wheels to smooth scratches. Place the appliance on the articulated master model to
    check the fit, retention, thickness and occlusion. Clean the tissue surface with a small
    bristle brush.
    To polish, use a coarse dental abrasive, such as pumice, with a wet rag wheel.
    Apply final shine with a hi-shine compound on low speed with a final buff wheel.
    Be careful not to overheat appliance.

    Flexsoft partial dentures materials
    Flexsoft partial dentures materials

     FlexSoft Partial Dentures Materials

    FlexSoft Partial Dentures Materials

    FlexSoft Partial Dentures Materials

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    AX-YD-2 FlexSoft Partial Dentures Materials

    AX-YD-2 FlexSoft Partial Dentures Materials

    Test Data

    flexural strength:56.12(MPa)

    Flexural Modulus of Elasticity:1574.22(MPa)

    Water absorption value:6.48(ug/ mm³)

    Dissolved value:0.06(ug/ mm³)

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